We are run by our supporters. Supporters receive regular email updates. And we provide suggestions of how you can get involved in your own area. Our committee meets about once every two months. This is an open meeting. If you want to find out more about our committee or to join it, email John Stewart on .

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  • HACAN East is the successor body to Fight the Flights which mounted a four year campaign to prevent permission being given for a 50% increase in flights using City Airport.

  • HACAN East is a sister organisation to HACAN, the long-standing organisation which represents people under the Heathrow flight paths –

  • HACAN East argues that noise levels in the area are already unacceptable. It opposed the permission a few years back for a 50% increase in the number of planes using the City Airport, permitting 111,000 planes to use it each year.

  • HACAN East opposes the concentration of City's flight paths without any respite being provided.

  • HACAN East recognises that airports can bring jobs and help the economy but questions whether the economic benefits of an expanded City Airport will outweigh the environmental problems it will bring.